2021: Is there any point setting goals?

2021: Is there any point setting goals?

If 2020 taught us anything- it’s that plans change and there’s a whole lot that lies outside of our control.  But the truth is as human beings we need a sense of purpose and direction- it’s not in our nature to just drift.  If we don’t set goals we’ll end up...
Toxic Tech: is now the time for a different kind of detox?

Toxic Tech: is now the time for a different kind of detox?

Did you spend much of 2020 in back to back zoom calls? So many of us did and it looks like this is set to continue well into 2021. There are benefits- many of us have more time as we’re no longer commuting but there are obvious downsides too: we’re all craving real...
Find JOY in Challenging Times!

Find JOY in Challenging Times!

It’s been a really tough year. 2020 has truly put us through our paces and we may well be feeling that we want this year over, with the promise of a new start next year. The vaccine brings promise of hope, but we also recognise that normal life may still be a long way...
Lessons for Lockdown 2.0

Lessons for Lockdown 2.0

Usually at this time of year we would look forward to school fairs and Christmas plays but this time we’re on hold and in limbo. As we heard into colder and shorter, this time feels tougher. As we near the end of the year, it’s tempting to wish 2020 away but what can...
Ditching the Booze

Ditching the Booze

For as long as I can remember, alcohol has been part of my life.  My parents have always enjoyed a drink and as children it was normal for us to go to the pub on Saturday afternoon and have coke in a glass bottle with a straw.  My first experience of being...